Welcome to GATE Homeschool Organization! Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly as you teach and  admonish one another with all wisdom…Colossians 3:16 Build Community with GATE HSA Learn about Current Classes

About GATE

GATE Homeschool Organization (GATE) is a private, conservative Christian, parent-led cooperative group serving families in and around Collin County, Texas.  Our members are multi-denominational Christians. See our Statement of Faith for more on our shared beliefs.

GATE was founded in 2011 to fill the need for a smaller, quality co-op in the Collin County area. With a desire to know one another well, GATE has chosen quality over quantity. We have maintained this small quality despite the ebbs and flows of growth over the years. We are currently meeting in Allen, Texas and offer academic and enrichment classes as well as social opportunities for students and their families. During the summer months and once a month during the school year, GATE families enjoy a variety of field trips and park days to promote fellowship and friendship among students and parents alike. 

GATE is overseen by a Leadership Team and Board, which work together to ensure that GATE is following its mission to be a meeting place that honors and upholds our Statement of Faith. The Leadership Team and Board also oversee our curriculum selection and development process. GATE's current schedule includes an Assembly, two 1-hour class periods, and a 30 minute recreation and snack break between classes. At GATE we strive to provide opportunities for our children to play and grow together, learn side by side with their peers, and social and learning opportunities for all students together. 

GATE meets on Thursdays from 8:45 a.m. - 12:20 p.m. Many families join in an optional Fellowship Lunch on or off campus after clean up is completed. Each semester GATE provides various classes for students from Kindergarten to 12th grade. Classes subjects vary and include academic and enrichment subjects. See here for classes previously offered at GATE. Many of our academic courses for grade 9-12 are able to be used as high school credit. GATE also offers nursery and preschool for younger siblings of school aged GATE students. 

If you have any questions about GATE, please read the FAQ page and GATE Handbook. If you have any further questions, please contact us at [email protected].


What is the meaning behind GATE?

Godly Academic Teaching and Enrichment - GATE

Throughout Scripture, the GATE is a strong image. 
It is a meeting place—where leaders contemplate, transactions are made, relationships are built.  
It is an access point—open to those who desire community, but a defense against invaders.
It is an image of our faith—Jesus himself being the gate for His sheep, and encouraging us to go through the narrow gate.

This organization was created to be a place of meeting, to provide access, and to encourage people to walk in faith.  Our members are gatekeepers, watching and providing a place of Christian community for all who enter.  May we show the strength and glory of the Lord as we work together to educate our children and enrich families.